
Tolerance. What does tolerance mean? It refers to an attitude of openness also respect for the differences that exist among peoples. Tolerance or toleration also means the acceptance of an action, object, or person who disagrees with you. The attitude of toleration avoids any discrimination, even though there are many differences in groups within a society or community group. In this globalization, where people of different backgrounds, cultures, and religions are living together, and where the world has become multicultural and full of diversity, establishing tolerance and harmony has become very crucial and important, and fostering mutual love and affection has become vital. Without tolerance and harmony, the lasting peace of societies cannot be maintained, and loyalty for each other cannot be established. Tolerance and harmony are created from feelings of love and affection. On a personal level the feelings of love strengthen the feelings of loyalty. When a citizen loves his country, he exhibits loyalty and devotion and makes sacrifices for the sake of the nation.

In Indonesia, many tribes and religions spread in various parts of the region. That means we are Indonesians who must respect each other among the differences of any tribes, religion, languages, and also cultures in our country. The attitude of toleration teaches us to help each other in any condition and situation in any place and time. For example, in our school there are some students from different backgrounds: some are from Medan; some others are from Purwokerto, Jakarta, or perhaps Ponorogo. Sometimes we forget that we have to be tolerant. For example, we often bully our friends who have different physical appearances like the color of the hair and skin, nature, and origin from us. Those differences aren’t the reason to lessen the tolerance between us. 

We are as Indonesians are not supposed to make the differences among us as the reason to separate us from our kinship. Despite those differences we must keep preserving our ideology, Pancasila. Our country’s motto is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means Unity in Diversity. Tolerance can be shown in many ways on different occasions and at different times. A person might fully disagree with others on any issue, from religion to politics, while at the same time honoring and respecting those with different ideas and opinions and treating them with full dignity and honor will create harmony in our togetherness. So, what are you waiting for? This is the time to start a life full of tolerance among us and build harmony. (I)

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Indra Deva Aji Zakaria

Indra Deva Aji Zakaria is a former student of SMK Telkom Bandung majoring in Computer and Network Engineering Program. Now he is studying at his second semester at Informatics Engineering department at Telkom University

His motto is: “Whatever you do, work it from the soul, as to the Lord, and not to men.”